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Olympic Flame Latvia
SIA RukisSponsor
SIA Rukis Icon
SIA RUKIS ir ražošanas uznemums, kas specializejies PCV auduma un metala konstrukciju apstrade. Uznemums dibinats 1991. gada.Uznemuma pamatnodarbošanas ir telšu, angaru, industrialo parsegu, markizu, auto tentu un PVC auduma vartu ražošana un montaža. Uznemuma galvenas vertibas ir kvalificets un radošs personals, kvalitativs produkts un apmierinats klients.Vieglas konstrukcijas angari sastav no metala karkasa un PVC auduma parsega. Angaru izmeriem nepastav standarti un tie tiek izgatavoti katram klientam individuali.
View ProfileRiga,LV-1024, Latvia
CrypOption Icon
CrypOption offers a comprehensive suite of educational resources and market analyses designed to empower traders in the binary options market. From detailed guides and articles to in-depth market trends and strategies, CrypOption serves as a gateway for both beginners and experienced traders looking to enhance their trading skills and knowledge. Additionally, the platform delves into the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, offering valuable insights and resources for navigating digital assets.
+371 28305507 | View ProfileLiepaja, Latvia
megabits_lv Icon
Atklaj jaunakas tehnologijas ar MegaBits.lvVai tu interesejies ar modernajam tehnologijam? Vai tev patik sekot lidzi jaunakajam inovacijam? Nemekle neko, bet - savu galveno tiešsaistes žurnalu, kas veltits visam, kas saistits ar aptver plašu temu loku, tostarp tehnologijas, zinatni un kosmosu, kriptovalutu, IT uznemejdarbibu, sikrikus un ierices, programmaturu, militaras tehnologijas, speles un auto.Neatkarigi no ta, vai tev interese jaunakas viedtalrunu versijas, atklajumi kosmosa izpete vai kriptovalutas tendences, mes esam tev sagatavojuši informaciju. Tacu ir vairak neka tikai informacijas avots - ta ir kopiena.Lietotaji var kopigot rakstus, rakstit komentarus un abonet jaunumus, lai butu labi informeti un iesaistiti jaunako tehnologiju zinu un tendencu aprite. Pievienojieties mums vietne un dodieties atklajumu un inovaciju celojuma.Esi informets, uzturi saikni un kopa ar mums iepazisti aizraujošo moderno tehnologiju pasauli.
View ProfileNil, Nil Latvia
Gail KingSponsor
Gail King Icon is a versatile and modern web platform offering a unique way for sports enthusiasts to participate in virtual sports challenges and register for mass sporting events.The platform allows for the creation and participation in various types of sports events.All events are categorized into the following groups:Virtual step challengesVirtual sports activity challengesVirtual competitionsOn-site sports competitionsVirtual Step ChallengesThe simplest type of challenge. You need to download the app and sign up for a virtual step challenge. Steps are automatically synchronized.Virtual Sports Activity ChallengesSports activities include any sport activity recorded in a sports app (by pressing start/stop). At, you can connect multiple sports apps, and activities are automatically loaded into the challenge. This can include running, cycling, and many other activities.Virtual CompetitionsSports competitions are virtual races where you can run or cycle for speed. Each competition has specific dates and times when the run/cycle must be completed. The result must be recorded in a sports app, just like in challenges. It's important to remember that does not support all sports apps - it's important to use a supported app.
View Profilenill, Kungu Street Latvia