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Olympic Flame Poland
Wedding photographerSponsor
Wedding photographer Icon
I am a wedding photographer in Bialystok and Warsaw . I enjoy your visit and I encourage you to familiarize yourself with my wedding photographs in the portfolio, especially on the wedding blog where you will find more photos.
View ProfileBial, Bialystok Poland
Fotografia Slubna Umbrella StudioSponsor
Fotografia Slubna Umbrella Studio Icon
Studio fotografii slubnej Umbrella niepowtarzalne zdjecia slubne, które znalazly uznanie w calej Europie. Unikalny styl oraz wiele miedzynarodowych nagród. Indywidualne podejscie do potrzeb klienta oraz obsluga w jezyku polskim i angielskim. Umbrella Studio posiada swoje studia w Krakowie oraz Londynie. Pracujemy na terenie calej Unii Europejskiej.
+48500317317 | View ProfileSandomierz, Swietokrzyskie Poland
Psychotherapy, psychological counseling in WarsawSponsor
Psychotherapy, psychological counseling in Warsaw Icon
Mental Health Services in Warsaw, Wlochy DistrictI provide psychotherapy and psychological counseling for people seeking psychological help in life crises, in difficulties that have arisen or piled up due to changing a place of living, and in many other situations. I invite you to look at what troubles you in an atmosphere of security and confidentiality. I work in English and provide analytic therapy in English. I am doing my best helping everyone who appears in my consulting room. I have worked with international patients from all over the world and helped many people regain their life balance, and become more self-confident. I understand expats' dilemmas and situations. I am also sensitive to the problems that have got worse due to changing a place of living, but had been there for a long time. I help people suffering from various fears, anxieties, depression, psychosomatic disorders, personality disorders, borderline and bipolar issues, and many others. I cooperate with an English speaking psychiatrist when pharmacotherapy appears to be a good solution.
+48 509 813 384 | View ProfileWarszawa, Dolnoslaskie Poland
Julia Oleksy PhotographySponsor
Julia Oleksy Photography Icon
Welcome to my unique world of pregnancy, neonatal, child and family photography. I want to offer you artistic photo sessions in beautiful sceneries and create a unique souvenir of the most important moments of your life.
505409845 | View ProfileNowy Sacz, Nowy Sacz Poland
Sabina & Pawel Labe Commercial & Fashion PhotographersSponsor
Sabina & Pawel Labe Commercial & Fashion Photographers Icon
Commercial and fashion photographers, filmmakers. Worked for brands like: Q-mobile, Skoda, Bebiko, Sizeer, 50style, Crunchips, Symbiosis and others.
48607101918 | View ProfileKraków, Poland
Pawel Klima Fotografia SlubnaSponsor
Pawel Klima Fotografia Slubna  Icon
Wedding Photography Rybnik.
0048502386489 | View ProfileRacibórz, Poland
Marcin PapalaSponsor
Marcin Papala Icon
Why photography?   I DO NOT KNOW. I have always been a fan of taking pictures, maybe because I do not have too many of them from childhood and now I want to make up for them by working for others? My grandfather always showed me some old photos from war or later period - 60-70 years, I love to come back to these photos, there is a climate that I would like to achieve by taking photos for my future young couples, that's why so much black and white in my gallery. I love what I do, like everyone who does it professionally. I try to make the photos that I do for you different from the previous ones, I do not like to do something tape / stencil, although some iconic shots such as photos with cold fires are the influence of current fashion in wedding photography, that's why I DO THIS;)Cordially invite you to contact, I do not force anyone, you see everything I do in my pictures in the gallery :)Greetings!
505-802-282 | View ProfileGieraltowice, Poland
Saw wedding photography, fiancée photographyphotographer, saw, wedding photography, photographer patryk grams, wedding photography saw
502242858 | View ProfilePila, Poland
Alicja Gietka PhotographySponsor
Alicja Gietka Photography Icon
539865053 | View ProfileTarnowskie Góry, Poland
Victoria NekrasovaSponsor
Victoria Nekrasova Icon
Victoria Nekrasova - portretowy fotograf w Warszawie.
+48 578 360 075 | View ProfileWarsaw, Poland
Marcin Orzolek – Fotograf Slubny CzestochowaSponsor
Marcin Orzolek – Fotograf Slubny Czestochowa Icon
Fotograf Slubny Marcin Orzolek profesjonalnie zajmuje sie fotografia slubna i tworzeniem niesamowitych reportazy z tego dnia, który zdecydowanie jest jednym z najwazniejszych w zyciu. Kazde zdjecie jest niezwykle, wypelnione miloscia, utrwalone sa najpiekniejsze wspomnienia, co pozwala na stworzenie porywajacej historii. W ofercie dostepne sa trzy inne pakiety, które róznia sie miedzy soba, a ostateczny wybór podejmuje Para Mloda wedlug indywidualnych preferencji. Oprócz tego, oferta zostala dodatkowo uzupelniona w sesje plenerowe w kraju a takze za granica oraz sesje narzeczenskie, fotoksiazki i fotoalbumy. Warto nadmienic, ze Fotograf Slubny Marcin Orzolek jest laureatem nagród branzowych, a takze jest czlonkiem towarzystwa najlepszych fotografów slubnych na swiecie.
510 122 592 | View ProfileCzestochowa, Poland
Foto ArtemSponsor
Foto Artem Icon
Foto Artem photo studio makes professional wedding photography. The studio was created 2019 however I've been on this adventure for nearly 7 years. The knowledge I gained from those experiences is immeasurable. I have done many types of photography over the years including studio and outdoor portrait photo sessions, Fine Art portrait sessions. I can say with certainty my passion for this work comes from people's personalities, moods and their feelings.
+48 514 828 383 | View ProfileSzprotawa, Lubuskie Poland
Stangiel Studio Fotograf Slubny BydgoszczSponsor
Stangiel Studio Fotograf Slubny Bydgoszcz Icon
Jestesmy zgranym zespolem Fotograf Slubny i Kamerzysta na Wesele z Bydgoszczy oraz Gdanska. Nasza pasja to uwiecznianie najpiekniejszych chwil Waszego zycia. Specjalizujemy sie w fotografii slubnej i wideofilmowaniu wesel, zapewniajac naszym klientom niezapomniane wspomnienia na lata. Jestesmy gotowi podrozowac po calej Polsce, aby uwiecznic Wasze wyjatkowe chwile, niezaleznie od lokalizacji. Skontaktuj sie z nami juz dzis, a wspolnie stworzymy piekne wspomnienia z Waszego slubu!
+48698030305 | View ProfileBydgoszcz, Poland
Bierzemy Slub - Sesje & Reportaze SlubneSponsor
Bierzemy Slub - Sesje & Reportaze Slubne Icon
Fotografia emocjonalna – lzy, usmiechy, wzruszenie – Fotografia slubna to nie tylko estetyczne ujecia, ale przede wszystkim emocje, które towarzysza temu wyjatkowemu dniu. Dobry fotograf potrafi uchwycic kazdy wzruszajacy moment – od lez podczas przysiegi, po szczere usmiechy na parkiecie. Emocje sa kluczem do pieknych zdjec slubnych, a fotograf, który potrafi je dostrzec i zatrzymac w kadrze, tworzy album pelen autentycznych uczuc. Dzieki temu kazda para ma wyjatkowa pamiatke, która przywoluje emocje na nowo, za kazdym razem, gdy ogladaja zdjecia.
604 143 905 | View ProfileKety, Poland