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Olympic Flame Serbia
Koko LokoSponsor
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Operacija krajnika se vrši u opštoj klasicnoj endotrahealnoj anesteziji, koja je vrlo kratka i ne ostavlja nikakve posledice. Moguci rizici kod operacije krajnika su krvarenje (koje može biti opasno ako nije uoceno), infekcije i povreda mekog nepca.
View ProfileBelgrade, Serbia
Donjoy i Aircast firme su najvece svetske firme za proizvodnju ortoza i posluju u okviru amercike DJO korporacije. U svetu su najvise zastupljene Donjoy i Aircast ortoze, dok se u Srbiji Donjoy i Aircast ortoze posle skoro 20 godina mogu ponovo kupiti. U ponudi su vam ortoze za kolena, ortoze za skocne zglobove, kao i pneumatske cizme Aircast koje se koriste prilikom preloma donjeg dela noge, skocnog zgloba i stopala. Kod nestabilnosti i akutnih povreda skocnih zglobova, kao i u post operativnoj fazi u ponudi su vam ortoze za skocne zglobove Donjoy Velocity i Aircast Air Stirrup II. Kod povreda ligamenata kolena u ponudi su vam ortoze za kolena Armor fource point, Legend, Playmaker II, Drytex sve u zavisnosti od ozbiljnosti i stepena povrede liigamenata kolena. Kod anteriornog bola u kolenu, hondromalacije kolena, kao i kod zapaljenja tetiva kvadricepsa i kolena mozete korisiti ortozu za koleno Reaction knee.
0652347579 | View ProfileBeograd, Serbia
We are developing an app for diagnosis for possible heart attack
View ProfileBelgrade, Serbia
Flekosteel BalzamSponsor
Flekosteel Balzam Icon
Sciatica is created by a few issues; you can have joints and muscles in your lower back not functioning well. You can have trigger points or muscle spasm in Flekosteel Balzam the buttock area that can also cause your pain. You may even have disc issues that will also create your sciatica and are a lot harder to receive sciatica pain relief. Read more:
10201025010 | View ProfileBelgrade, Belgrade Serbia
Pure Kick CenaSponsor
Pure Kick Cena Icon
You should know that Pure Kick there are some so-called 'miracle' diets and pills. Some are plain snake oil remedies, which don't work for anyone. Like any others employ herbs like ephedra or hoodia, which, while they work, can be super dangerous to your health, Pure Kick Cena used improperly. Ephedra is a powerful stimulant and is best avoided, except in very narrow circumstances and under strict medical supervision. Click here for buy:
6548489561 | View ProfileBelgrade, Belgrade Serbia
Special Hospital For Treating Addictive Disorders ''DR VOROBJEV''Sponsor
Special Hospital For Treating Addictive Disorders ''DR VOROBJEV'' Icon
Special hospital for treating addictive disorders is located in Zemun, Belgrade, spreading on over 2,000 m2 in two clinics. The hospital is designed as a place where our top and world-renowned doctors provide the latest innovative methods in treating drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling, and mental problems. The unique methods of treating addiction applied by Dr Vorobjev clinic yield excellent results. Our clinic provides you with stability and comfort, which will help you get rid of addiction and restart your life. Our caring staff will be by your side during the detoxification and treatment procedures at all times.
+38162256266 | View ProfileBelgrade, Serbia
IntroLab Laboratory BelgradeSponsor
IntroLab Laboratory Belgrade Icon
Unraveling the mysteries of our body often starts at the molecular level. That's where the highly-regarder biochemistry laboratory Belgrade locals rely on, IntroLab, steps in, shedding light on the molecules and compounds within us.Biochemistry is the bridge between biology and chemistry, painting a vivid picture of our health through analyses of bodily fluids and tissues. Whether it’s deciphering the balance of electrolytes, understanding the nuances of metabolic rates, or gauging enzyme functionalities, IntroLab covers the spectrum.Supported by a team skilled in biochemical nuances and a facility brimming with the latest technology, we're committed to delivering insights with precision. Every result from our lab offers a deeper understanding of your health, illuminating pathways to better well-being. Lean on IntroLab for insights that are as detailed as they are meaningful. Get in touch with our friendly staff to dive deeper into understanding yourself, right here in Belgrade.
011 3473652 | View ProfileBelgrade, Serbia