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Olympic Flame Serbia
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Founded in 2018, Blufashion aims to empower women by offering a community space for exploring fashion and self-expression. It engages actively with its audience, providing personalized fashion advice to enhance self-confidence. The platform celebrates individual identity and diversity, positioning itself as a leading influencer, educator, and connector in the world of women's fashion.Content and ObjectivesBlufashion covers a range of topics, from basic styling tips to the latest designer runway trends. It serves as an interactive community for women, providing guidance tailored to their diverse roles in life. The platform's unique approach goes beyond following fashion trends; it encourages understanding and expressing them as a part of one's identity. Emphasizing cultural diversity, Blufashion caters to women of all shapes, sizes, and budgets, aiding them in finding their unique style.Editorial DirectionIskra Banovic, a seasoned professional in the fashion industry, has been the Editor-in-Chief since 2018. With a background in fashion design, her expertise spans fashion, interior design, beauty, lifestyle, travel, and culture. Under her direction, Blufashion aggregates perspectives from various bloggers, social media influencers, and brands, curating top content in beauty, style, and entertainment.
631-993-4146 | View ProfileBelgrade, Serbia