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Olympic Flame Serbia
Advokatska kancelarija Vladisavljevic - Law Office - Advokat BeogradSponsor
Advokatska kancelarija Vladisavljevic - Law Office - Advokat Beograd Icon
Advokatska kancelarija Vladisavljevic | Vladisavljevic Law Office Belgrade, Serbia | advokati Beograd, advokatska kancelarija Beograd, advokati u Beogradu, ko su najbolji advokati u Beograd, Beograd advokati, advokat Srbija, business lawyer Serbia, advokat za IT pravo, advokat za razvod braka, advokat u Beogradu, advokatska kancelarija ip law, krivicni advokat krivicar Beograd, advokat za nasledno pravo I ostavinu, poresko savetovanke, poreski advokati, advokati za poreze, upravno pravo, upravni psor, ugovorno pravo, advokat za ugovore, formation of company in serbia, anwalt in Serbien, anwalt in Belgrad.
0643809525 | View ProfileBelgrade, Serbia
Attorney - Advokatska Kancelarija PekicSponsor
Attorney - Advokatska Kancelarija Pekic Icon
Law office Pekic with headquarters at Zeleznicka Street 13, Novi Sad, provides legal assistance to foreign and domestic clients in the territory of Novi Sad, Belgrade, and throughout the Republic of Serbia. Attorneys and associates from the team of the law office Pekic, through continuous education and experience, raise the quality of legal service necessary for clients whose center of activity is Novi Sad or Belgrade. Our team includes attorneys with knowledge of commercial, civil, tax, and other branches of law, which makes the law office Pekic the best starting point for foreign and domestic investors in Novi Sad. Quality and conscientious legal service were also recognized by the commerce in Novi Sad, which is why hundreds of satisfied entrepreneurs and other persons can proudly say that they are clients of the law office Pekic. Novi Sad, the second most developed city in Serbia after Belgrade, is growing and positioning itself as the center of many software and other technological and international companies, which is why even a professional attorney must follow clients' needs. In order for an attorney to follow the growth and development of the economy that characterizes Novi Sad, continuous improvement is essential, which is why the founder of the law office Stefan Pekic became a qualified tax advisor certified by the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Serbia.
(381)63484700 | View ProfileNovi Sad 21101, Serbia